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2014年5月3日 星期六

誰知道十三甲這個地名? 就在台中二中旁邊~(2009年.12月.台中市.十三甲)




主人盛情的帶領進"秀樓仔" 發音[ㄒ一ㄨˋ -ㄌㄠˊ-ㄚˋ]一探

 雕樑畫棟; 器宇非凡


阿喏~~ 隱藏版石燈籠//日月雙燈                     (火袋部分)!!

3 則留言:

  1. I am excited to see these photos.....because it related to me.

    My mother (if she still alive, she will be 92 years old) is from 賴厝廍,十三甲, I always go back with my Mom whenever there is an event (節日,喜慶). I would walk (pass) by that 大宅與拜殿.

    I wrote a song to describe the feelings about the best relatives we have. Because our best relatives is from my Mom's side. So, in the song, I talk about 十三甲.

    If you give me your e-mail address, I will be glad to send you. It will include:
    - song's music score (樂譜)
    - song's lyrics (歌詞)
    - audio recording of the song
    - Introduction and background of the song (Song's title: 母の一番近い肉親)

    Frank Chiang
    My e-mail address: taiwan39247472@yahoo.co.jp

    1. Hello, Frank;
      Glad to meet you! I'm afraid that nobody knows what l show
      in my blog, but you did know it! You love this city--Taichung,
      I love it too. But I love the “old” Taichung more! So I visit
      several village in Taichung or near by. I try to discover some
      period of old memories by taking pictures! My e-mail address is : crux.baturu@gmail.com,& excuse me, Are you

  2. 我媽姓賴,來自十三甲。我小時候也常去十三甲,舊址在文武街與今日中清路的交叉,我小時候 (1970年代初) 還都是田。
